The Last Q&A Call of 2016!

When you’re a part of a community of 600+ professionals who are starting and growing a niche recruitment and staffing agency business, there is one thing that must take place at the end of the year.

Here at Staffingpreneurs Academy, we have a tradition. We meet on the very last Friday of the year to get ready to ROCK IT OUT in the new year and this year was no different!

During the last Q&A Call of 2016, we shared successes, and challenges and some of the best questions were asked. We had over 100 callers on the final call of the year and the entrepreneurial energy was so high you could feel it all the way in Ghana, West Africa! What an amazing experience this Q&A call was.

Take a look!

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Recruitment & Staffing As A Business

Staffingpreneurs Academy is the number one learning space and community providing the most comprehensive program for validating, creating, launching and scaling your very own profitable niche recruitment and staffing business.

Staffingpreneurs Academy is the number one learning space and community providing the most comprehensive program for validating, creating, launching and scaling your very own profitable niche recruitment and staffing business. Staffingpreneurs Academy is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly.

How to set up and launch your niche recruitment and staffing business like a pro, but also how to get it up, how to get it running, how to generate revenue, how to earn a profit every month, right, all while putting people to work and helping employers build and sustained.

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