Are You Ready To Make The Shift From Working For An Agency Or Freelance And START YOUR Own Recruiting & Staffing Business?

It’s time to be the founder of your own life! Build your own success story, glorious brand, and to have a successful life!

staffing dee

Why work for an agency when you can run your own business?

This is meant for the kind of recruiters and freelancers who have, first of all, the relentless desire to earn more money in a single year than most of his/her recruiter and freelancer colleagues will earn in their entire lifetime.
It is meant for the kind of recruiter and freelancer, secondly, who has enough faith in himself/herself to believe, today, that tomorrow he/she may actually be able to take home $175,000 – 500,000 per week – once he/she has been shown the techniques of making this kind of money.

And finally, it is meant only for the recruiter and freelancer who is passionate about solving real-world solutions. If this is you…watch the following video:

You Know How The Business Works:

You Know How The Business Works:

Take a look at this financial model of how the recruitment and staffing industry works and I want you to think about how many graduates you have and how many of them you’ve placed into employment opportunities. Then you do the math:

staffing academy

It’s all about you keeping your fees. You don’t have to share your fees with the company you’re working for. You spend hours upon hours building your pipeline, interviewing, lunch appointments and so much more – why are you giving away your time, energy and money?
Now is a great time for you to find fulfillment in what you do. You do have the ability to spend your time building your own empire instead of putting your time and energy into building the fortune of someone else.

The Solution:


Today, we would like to introduce you to the idea of starting a niche recruitment and staffing agency business sol complete the no-cost application below to see if you qualify to be our next investment:

The Staffingpreneurs Academy Application

If you’re interested in starting, scaling, and leveling up your niche’ recruitment and staffing business, please take a moment to fill out your application to be considered.